NEHA Certified |

With over 100 completed and Board of Health approved septic systems to date, Mark Kitchen Excavating can find the right solution for you. We are National Environmental Health Association [NEHA] certified in the installation of Advanced Wastewater Treatment Systems for areas where difficult space and/or soil conditions exist. We are also certified installers for all Presby Environmental Products; Premier Tech Eco Flo; and Aqua Clear of New Jersey.

How Septic Systems Work

Wastewater flows from the residence into an in-ground holding tank where solids and floating particles accumulate. Naturally occurring bacteria break down wastes anaerobically (without air) in the tank and the liquid portion of the wastewater flows into a disposal field called a leach field where it filters through the soil.

The Installation Process

The first step requires that an engineer or licensed designer be contacted to design a system that conforms to state and local government health regulations.

You will be required to supply a property survey.

The engineer will dig a series of test holes on the property to determine perc and suitablilty of the soil for the project. They will then determine the size, type and depth of the new system. We also pass your property survey over to a surveyor to do a topographic survey.

Cost of the system is determined by the size of residence. A home with more bedroom space is required by law to have a larger septic system. A septic system typically takes 10 to 14 days to complete.